2024 Best 25 Psychiatrists In Riyadh

I am sure, you are here because you are looking for a psychiatrist in Riyadh. Slow down, I want to tell you that you can talk to a therapist online.

Through the “Doctoorc” platform, you can make reservations and talk to a psychiatrist or your therapist while you are sitting at your home in complete privacy.

تحدث مع الدكتور النفسي أونلاين من خلال الجوال عبر مكالمة صوتية أو مكالمة فيديو أو حتى محادثة كتابية، من أي مكان وفي أي وقت يناسبك بخصوصية تامة مع أفضل المعالجين النفسيين

دكتوراه العلاج النفسي

دكتورة ذات خبرة كبيرة في علاج الاضطرابات النفسية والسلوكية ومشاكل الزواج والعلاقات، العلاج المعرفي السلوكي ورفع الثقة بالنفس وتقدير الذات.

أخصائية نفسية

أخصائية ذات خبرة كبيرة في علاج الاضطرابات النفسية والسلوكية كالاكتئاب والوساوس والفوبيا وتقلبات المزاج، الرهاب وتقوية الثقة بالنفس وتقدير الذات

best 15 Psychiatrist in Riyadh

This is the list of the best 20 psychiatrists in Riyadh who provide psychological treatment online while you are sitting at home. With one click on your phone, you can talk to the psychiatrist via audio and video or only voice or even via a written conversation.

1- Dr. Mireille Francis

Language: English, Arabic, French.

  • PhD in psychology from the University of Lyon II France
  • Assistant professor in the Lebanese University Beyrouth Lebanon
  • Psycho-organic analyst from the French school EFAPO (The French School for Psycho-Organic Analysis).
  • Member of the ALAPO (Lebanese Association for the Psycho-organic Analyst).

Ph.D. in Psychotherapy and University Professor with great experience in dealing with mental and behavioral disorders. Depression, anxiety, stress, obsessive feelings.

حجز جلسة علاج نفسي مع الدكتورة النفسية بكل سهولة، بكبسة زر واحدة من جوالك سوف تكون وجه لوجه في جلسة أونلاين مع الدكتورة النفسية، وتخفيض يصل الى 35% من السعر.

معالجة نفسية

معالجة نفسية لاكتئاب والوسواس والفوبيا والاضطرابات ومشاكل الزواج وتقلبات المزاج وتدني تقدير الذات وثنائي القطب

أخصائية نفسية

معالجة نفسية ذات خبرة كبيرة في علاج نوبات الهلع والاكتئاب والصدمات النفسية والوساوس والفوبيا والرهاب وتدني تقدير الذات

  1. Pierrette Tawil

A neuropsychologist specialized in treating depression, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobia, marriage problems, and others.

Language: English, Arabic, French.

  • Master of Science in Neuropsychology
  • Master in Psychosomatic support
  • University Diploma in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
  • Psychotherapist in Psycho organic Analysis
  • Cognitive Behavioral therapist

A psychiatric specialist dealing with mental disorders and psychological problems, anxiety, depression, stress, self-esteem, personality disorders. Lack of sleep, marital problems. Also, a psychiatrist in Riyadh. Gender identity disorders, sexual problems, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

أفضل 25 دكتور نفسي عبر الانترنت لعلاج جميع الاضطرابات النفسية والسلوكية، بالإضافة للمشاكل الزوجية والأسرية ومشاكل المراهقين، والاضطرابات الجنسية والهوية الجند

إخصائي نفسي

معالج نفسي لاكتئاب والوسواس والفوبيا والاضطرابات ومشاكل الزواج وتقلبات المزاج وتدني تقدير الذات وثنائي القطب والهلع

الدكتورة النفسية مجدولين تليلي
اخصائية نفسية

أخصائية نفسية ذات خبرة كبيرة في التعامل مع مختلف الاضطرابات النفسية والسلوكية، ومشاكل الزواج والعلاقات، وتقدير الذات والثقة بالنفس

  1. Dr. Zina Boukher

Language: English, Arabic, French.

  • Doctorate study in Clinical Psychology
  • Postgraduate studies in Clinical Psychology
  • Master of Social Services
  • Certificate in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy “CBT”
  • Certificate in NLP
  • Certificate in Career Guidance “HBDI”

Ph.D. in Psychotherapy and Behavioral Studies in dealing with psychological disorders, depression, anxiety, marital problems, gender identity disorder.

  1. Dr. Rachel Bardwell

Language: English, Arabic, French.

  • Postgraduate studies in Clinical Psychology
  • Specialist in Analytical Therapy
  • Specialist in family therapy
  • Specialist in cognitive behavioral therapy

phobia, marriage problems, children’s psychological problems.

  1. Psychologist Rabie

Language: English, Arabic.

  • Master 2 study in Clinical Psychology.
  • BA in Psychology.
  • Certified suggestive therapist.

A psychologist for depression, marital problems, learning difficulties, depression. Psychiatric disorders, gender identity disorder, anxiety, and obsessive disorder.

  1. Psychologist Wael
  • Ph.D. in Psychology
  • Diploma in Sports Psychology
  1. Psychotherapist Iman Sadiq
  • Work as a lecturer at Prince Sattam University.
  • Work as Assistant Professor at Qassim University.
  • Work as a psychologist at the Ministry of Education.
  • Training in several public and private mental health hospitals over several years.
  • Work as a psychological counselor.

8. Dr. Mona Hamouda

  • Work as a lecturer at Prince Sattam University.
  • Work as Assistant Professor at Qassim University.
  • Work as a psychologist at the Ministry of Education.
  • Training in several public and private mental health hospitals over several years.
  • Work as a psychological counselor.

9. Dr. Fadia

Language: Arabic, French.

  • Doctorate study in clinical psychology.
  • Specialist in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
  • Thérapie cognitive et comportementale, Hopital Saint-Anne-Paris & Hopital Psychiatrique de la Croix, Lebanon.

10. Dr. Maysar Kamel

Language: Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic.

  • Bachelor’s degree in human medicine.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Psychiatry.

Psychiatrist in Riyadh for the treatment of mental and behavioral disorders, depression, anxiety, loss, obsessive-compulsive disorders, marital problems, sexual problems, and problems of children and adolescents.

11. Psychotherapist Arwa

Language: Arabic.

  • Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.
  • Customary behavioral therapy.
  • Disorders (panic, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression).
  • Gap disorders and psychological first aid, mental health.

12. Psychotherapist Mariam

Language: Arabic.

  • MA in Mental Health.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapist.
  • Family and marital counseling.
  • Dialectical behavioral therapist.

13. Dr. Yushie

Language: Arabic.

  • Psychologist.
  • A Psychologist in the hospital.
  • Private Psychologist clinic.
  • A former Psychologist at the National Hospital.
  • Child Psychologist

Psychologist and family counselor, dealing with mental and behavioral disorders. Depression, stress, anxiety, marriage problems.

14. Psychotherapist Ahlam

Language: Arabic, French.

  • PhD Researcher in Clinical Psychology.
  • MA in Clinical Psychology.
  • Master 1 Clinical Psychology.

An expert psychiatrist and behavioral specialist in treating mental disorders, family counseling, the best psychiatrist in Riyadh, depression, anxiety, marital and family problems.

تحدث من الجوال

تحدث مع المعالج النفسي مكالمة فيديو او صوت او حتى كتابياً.

وقت الجلسة

انت من تختار وقت الجلسة بالوقت الذي يناسبك (نهاراً/مساءً)

أسعار منخفضة

أسعار منخفضة جداً بالمقارنة مع العيادات، وتخفيض 35% على البرامج العلاجية.

المواعيد والحجز من هنا

15. Fadel Ali

Telephone: 0032465201869

Twitter: twitter.com/doctoorc78

Facebook: facebook.com/Tabib.Nafsi.Online

Psychotherapy in Riyadh

The Mental Health Authority in Riyadh focuses on –a psychiatrist in Riyadh–. However, the world is busy struggling with the Coronavirus pandemic by treating the organic damage caused by the virus, and all studies are currently working on this concern, leaving the issue of mental health at the edge of the road as if it is not involved or affected.

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment
  • depression treatment
  • Anxiety treatment
  • Causes of bipolar disorder

Psychological and behavioral diseases in Riyadh

If you think you have mental health problems or find it difficult to cope with life’s difficulties, you may find appropriate care with a licensed healthcare provider in a private clinic. This section contains private clinics that provide care through psychiatry and other psychological services for children and adults.

  • depression
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • anxiety
  • Symptoms of bipolar disorder
BEST Psychiatrists In Riyadh
BEST Psychiatrists In Riyadh

psychiatrist clinic in Riyadh online

Treatment of psychological disorders, marital and relationship problems, depression, social phobia, anxiety, stress, phobias, and personality disorders. Also, post-traumatic stress disorder, grief, and loss.

  • Dr. Dalia Saleh
  • Dr. Mireille Francis
  • Dr. Pierrette Tawil

مقالات مقترحة:

Do you need help?

If you live in any city in Saudi Arabia or Riyadh, and you need to talk to a psychiatrist in Riyadh, just contact us and we will help you talk to a psychiatrist while you are sitting at home. All you need to do is make reservations by phone or computer and then you be able to talk to a psychologist.

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